
My Christmas Tree is Leaning


We got our Christmas tree up early, because we are expecting company. Well, actually, the company is a surprise for my husband but I’m in on the secret so … I had to get everything up and ready early. My son brought the tree over, and offered to help hang the decorations since he doesn’t want me climbing ladders any more. But I’m a bit OCD so I sad, “No, but thank you. I want to take my time and place every ball and decoration in just the right place.”

So I started with the lower branches, but …

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Christmas/Holiday-Themed Content


by Steve Eulberg

Christmas/Holiday-themed content

We have compiled a list of our holiday-themed Lessons, Backing Tracks, Workshops, Livestreams and Blogposts

This list can also be found in the top menu on our homepage at Our Offerings.
Let us know which are YOUR favorites in the DulcimerTent Forum

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An Encyclopedia of Live Workshops & Concerts Archive


by Steve Eulberg

Linda Ratcliff and I built DulcimerCrossing to be a resource for people like us, who lived beyond the boundaries of the dulcimer world (or sometimes at its edges) in order to support and equip people long to play and enjoy making music for themselves on the instruments they love.

So we have over 200 courses of lessons for mountain and hammered dulcimers, chromatic mountain dulcimers, dulci-bro and fiddle!

And, It just struck me how much MORE rich and full this resource is, ri…

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Are You a December Musician?


I was listening to a sermon by Max Lucado, and he was talking about December Christians. These are the people who will tell you that the reason for the season is Jesus, not the gifts or the decorations. And these are the folks who go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. But the rest of the year (well, except for Easter), you don’t hear or see much from them about their faith.

And as I was listening, my conscience was pricked. No, not about being a December Christian, but about being…

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It’s Not WHAT … It’s HOW You’re Practicing


Too often, our focus lands on what we are practicing – whether it’s your dulcimer, a sport, a language, or a skill. However, the true essence of mastery lies not just in the act of practicing, but in how that practice is approached and executed. It's a subtle yet profound distinction: it's not what you're practicing; it's how you're practicing that truly matters.

Quality Over Quantity:
Mindless repetition of tunes or exercises does not lead to improvement. The key lies in the quality of pra…

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You're Awesome!


I have a self-confidence issue. I never think I’m getting a new tune fast enough, playing it well enough to perform for others, or have practiced it long enough to be completely prepared to share. I’m harder on myself than ANYone else would ever be. And why is that?  Maybe I’m just being too critical of myself. Maybe I have unrealistic expectations. Or maybe I need to listen to some positive thinking tapes.

I have had a few full-time jobs playing the dulcimer. When I got the job at the Butter…

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Enough with the QUICK FIX


In today's fast-paced world, the desire for quick fixes permeates every aspect of our lives. Whether it's in our quest for physical fitness, mental well-being, financial stability, or being able to play our dulcimers … the allure of immediate results often leads us to look for shortcuts and temporary solutions. However, too often these quick fixes are just Band-Aids

For example, when I am practicing and come across a section that is difficult (usually my own fault, because I “write” all my own …

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Two DAY-LONG Dulcimer Events for 2024!


by Steve Eulberg

We announced these Day-Long events last Summer and the details are coming together!I


First, January 6th!


Click on the image above to register (Take advantage of your DulcimerCrossing membership discount!)

or click below to

Learn More


then, March 2nd all-day!

General4Equidistant 2024-crop

Click on the image above to register (Take advantage of your DulcimerCrossing membership discount!)

Featured Faculty:  Stephen Seifert, Heidi Muller, Neal Hellman, Hunter Walker, J…

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The Same, But Different


We moved six months ago into a senior community. It is a wonderful neighborhood … peaceful, friendly, and very well maintained. However, when you first drive into the neighborhood, you may think that all the houses look the same. We are hooked together like quadplexes with no steps – same metal roof, same postage-stamp-sized front yard, same double garage, same inset front door.

But when I ride up and down the neighborhood streets in my golf cart, I don’t see the sameness anymore. Every famil…

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In Memoriam

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by Steve Eulberg

This is a first.

We learned of the passing of Dan Delancey, the husband and guitar accompanist of our instructor, Linda Thomas at the time of his internment service in Missouri on All Saints Day this week.

He was, hands down, my favorite bluegrass guitarist.  He was also a master of backing up other instrumentalists, specifically his hammered dulcimer playing partner, Linda Thomas.  I even got to sit in on one of his flatpicking workshops at the Jackson County Community Colle…

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