


With any creative pursuit, accountability is a necessary and beneficial tool to keep us moving through our various creative processes so that we can actually help our imagination take shape in the world outside of our brains

This is also a word that can cause some of us to sort of slink away because it feels "too much like work" or "I feel guilty when I don't practice" or "I'm afraid I really can't DO this".

There have been times when I have heard those phrases passing through my mind, too!  But you know what?  I have discovered that when accountability is present in the form of a friend, or guide or mentor who values me AND my dreams and goals, that I feel supported and energized!  

I call these people my


and they play a welcome, valuable and treasured roles in my life and creativity.  If you haven't already done so, I want to encourage you to gather people who can serve this function into your corner, to work on YOUR team!

One of the ways we provide this function for each other inside DulcimerCrossing is reporting our goals/challenges, our progress or our backward steps with each other in the Dulcimer Tent Forum, much like do with each other between classes and during meals at in-person festivals.  But this time, we can follow up, and even report on the things we've done without having to give a new person the whole detailed backstory--because they already know!

Try it out and let me know how it works for you.


Steve Eulberg



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