CLEAR Out Distractions


I’ve written several newsletters in the past about things you should have right at your fingertips before you start to practice … the tuner, tabs, picks and hammers, comfortable chair, etc. But I’ve never told you what should be cleared from your practice space before starting. So here we go, and the first one sounds mean … but it’s not.

  1. Other People: Practicing is something you should do alone to really focus on your skills or correct mistakes. If someone is hanging around in my practice space, I tend to play more like I’m performing for them, and neglect going back to work out any issues.
  2. Phone Calls or Texting: You may need to keep your phone in the practice space for tuning, instructional videos, or back-up tracks. Just ignore that little sound your phone makes when someone is calling or texting.

  3. Social Media or Email Alerts: Talk about intrusions! And they’re SO hard to resist! But keep in mind, they’ll ALL still be there when you’re finished practicing.

  4. Adult Beverages? Now this one is probably debatable, a matter of opinion. But I think it’s better to delay drinking anything that could possibly dull your focus or impede practicing at your highest potential. Then after your practice session, you can enjoy the beverage as a sweet reward for a job well done.

Now one thing I DON’T clear out is my cocker spaniel, Peachie. She loves to sit under the piano when I’m practicing the keys and lays right by my feet when I play the dulcimer. I would think some of those high tones would hurt her ears, but she seems to enjoy the music. She gives me positive feedback when I glance over at her, and that’s something we all cherish. Did I miss anything that should be cleared out? If you think so, let me know.

Happy dulcimering,



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