It’s not the What, When, or Where! It’s the “How!”


I believe that It's the “how” you're practicing that makes a difference in the quality and effectiveness of your practice sessions. Simply going through the motions without focus or intentionality may not yield the desired results in terms of skill improvement and musical growth. Here are some key points to consider.

  1. Focused practice: Concentrating on specific goals and areas of improvement during practice sessions can lead to more significant progress. Identify your weaknesses or challenging passages and work on them deliberately to enhance your skills.

  2. Mindful repetition: Mindlessly repeating the same mistakes can be counterproductive. Instead, focus on practicing with intention, paying attention to details such as dynamics, articulation, tempo, and phrasing. Practice slowly and accurately before gradually increasing speed.

  3. Effective techniques: Utilize practice techniques such as chunking (breaking down music into smaller sections), using a metronome for rhythm accuracy, and employing mental practice (visualizing playing without the instrument) to enhance your learning process.

  4. Feedback and reflection: Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to gain valuable insights and constructive criticism. Reflect on your practice sessions to assess what worked well and what could be improved and adjust your practice strategies accordingly.

  5. Consistent and varied practice: Regular practice is essential for skill development, but incorporating variety in your practice routine can prevent monotony and enhance learning. Mix up your practice sessions with different exercises, repertoire, and styles to maintain engagement and challenge yourself.

  6. Positive mindset: Cultivating a positive attitude towards practice can significantly impact your progress. Embrace the learning process, celebrate small victories, and view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

In conclusion, the way you approach and engage in your practice sessions can greatly influence your musical development. By practicing with focus, intention, effective techniques, feedback, consistency, and a positive mindset, you can maximize the impact of your practice time and make significant strides in your musical journey.

Happy dulcimering,



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