

Look B4 You Leap!

Look Before You LEAP! This expression has been found in old manuscripts as far back as 1350 and appeared in a collection of proverbs by John Heywood in 1546. Its first use in the U.S. was in 1677 in the History of Indian Wars in New England. It’s all about thinking, paying attention, and taking on the world in such a way that you don’t fall flat on your face because you forged ahead too fast.

I think this is good advice for approaching a new tune as well. I admit, sometimes I charge right in … e…

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Avoid Dulcimer Burn-Out

Where does musical burn-out come from? From what I’ve seen, we all start out from the same place.

  1. We want to learn an instrument.
  2. We take lessons.
  3. We keep getting better, day by day.
  4. We leave the house with our instrument and jam with others.
  5. We pursue our musical dreams, some of us with long-range goals.

Our time is filled with playing the dulcimer. We read, eat, breath, live dulcimer music. We put a ton of time into practice, watching tutorials, preparing for contests, attending conc…

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Make a Goal

by Linda Ratcliff

Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines. - Unknown

Make a Goal List in Your Journal ... Every Week
My husband and I recently moved in with my daughter and her family about 4 weeks ago (there are now 7 of us at the dinner table), and she donated her formal dining room for me to set up as my music room.  I LOVE it.  I have all my instruments set up within easy reach.   And as soon as everyone is out of the house, I usually pick up my hammers and practice for a while.


But I…

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Stir Up Your Power for Hammered Dulcimer

A new seasonal lesson for Hammered Dulcimer features an original tune by Steve Eulberg.HarkCover Steve wrote this tune as a song for his congregation to sing in the season of Advent when he was an inner city pastor in Kansas City.  Guy George later covered it and the two of them have played it on stage a few times at festival appearances.  The tune is part of Steve's Hark, the Glad Sound recording and is found in his book Dulcimer-Friendly Worship, Vol 1: the season of Advent. Take a look at a preview be…

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