
subscriber news

Wendy Songe Workshop: New Beginnings


Wendy Songe, who has had to learn a LOT of new things in the past year, will share with us the treasures from her learning on Thurs, Oct 23rd at 5 pm MDT (=4 pm PDT, 6 pm CDT, 7 pm EDT).

There are three ways you can join us for this exciting event!

1.  This workshop is a benefit for Workshop and Mentor level members of the DulcimerCrossing. 

On the day of the workshop, simply log in and choose Upcoming Events from the Live Events Menu at the top of the page

Live Events Menu

and choose Wendy's workshop

Wendy Upcoming


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Cluck, Cluck

You cannot soar like an eagle with a chicken mentality. 
Elevate your thoughts to elevate your life (and your music).

A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chickens and grew up with them.

All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air.

Years pass…

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The Blessings of Music

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
- Plato

The Blessings of Music

I’ve been around music all my life, for as long as I can remember. In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been a time when I didn’t have a tune in my head or a piece of music (or instrument) in my hands.

Music runs in our family. My grandmother was a concert pianist and traveled all over Europe – even playing for the queen of England. We always had a pia…

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Getting Closer to the Launch!

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We are getting much closer to the launch of the new DulcimerCrossing Platform!

In design and planning since December 2019, and under construction for more than a year, we have sent out Beta Testers through the site to give us feedback and they are giving us both kudos and some key suggestions and design tweaks to help our subscribers' experience of learning the music they wish to play on their instruments.

Our staff has been working feverishly this summer to move all of the lesson content from…

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Lent Musical Devotions

Once again Steve is offering to share a twice-a-week acoustic music devotions for the season of Lent beginning February 26th (Ash Wednesday).

Sign up here and they will arrive in your email inbox twice a week to accompany you on your journey through the season of Lent.

He also has created a Lent Devotions Playlist on Spotify if you want to have access on demand.

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Leap Forward Week 3

Performance Tasks/Learning Objectives from this lesson:

1. Find an E Aeolian Scale (Natural/Pure Minor) on your instrument 

2. Use that knowledge to Play God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen or Wayfaring Stranger

3. Name the notes that the student used to play this scale

4. Define the Aeolian scale 

5. For Mountain Dulcimer: What do I have and what Drones do I need?

A. If I use a Capo how do I tune and where do I start?

B. How can I re-tune and play Aeolian in some different Keycenters?


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New Theory Quiz

Following our first two Live Music Theory classes for Premium Members of, Erin Mae and I have a new Quiz, this time comparing the Ionian and Dorian Modes.

Click here to try it out and test your understanding!

Later today [4 pm PST = 5 pm MST = 6 pm CST = 7 pm EST] is the 3rd lesson, this one focusing on the Aeolian Mode.

Premium Members have access on the Live events page at

(Be certain that you have logged in and the background is blue and th…

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Leap Forward Week 2

In this week's lesson we'll look at the DORIAN (mountain minor) MODE.

Thursday, Jan 16th 4-5 pm PST = 5-6 MST = 6-7 CST = 7-8 EST

Premium Members of can access this lesson by logging in and clicking on the link at the LIVE EVENTS SCHEDULE and clicking on the Zoom meeting link.

If you missed the first session which was available to both Premium and Basic Members, you can click on the WATCH the VIDEO ARCHIVE link on your respective LIVE EVENTS Pages when logged in to the…

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The Hammered Dulcimer Focus...

This class begins on Thursday, Jan 2, 2020!

Take this quiz and get ready:

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New Theory Class for Premium Members

by Steve Eulberg

Dulcimers as if Music Theory Matters

Music Theory as if Dulcimers Matter

Dulcimer Crossing will be offering something new for our Premium Members in 2020.

We'll begin with a 4-week special course taught by Erin Mae and Steve Eulberg on Thursdays.

These will be hour-long, live, interactive sessions beginning at 4 pm PDT | 5 pm MDT | 6 pm CDT | 7 pm EDT on January 2, 16, 30 and February 13.

Then we're lining up other teachers to off…

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