
IMG_5561Late in 2011, my fiddling pardner, Vi Wickam, committed to filming a Fiddle-Tune-A-Day throughout the year of 2012.  366 days...(it was a leap year!).  That's a lot of fiddle tunes!  You can see the entire collection on his Youtube Channel (which can be overwhelming)--OR, you can sign up on his email list to get one emailed to you once a day--for a whole year!

He played some old chestnuts, he solicited suggestions from people, he paged through Coleman's, he chose some he'd written, he found new excitement in ones he'd learned long ago and passed over and he learned several from yours truly (me.)

We formed a duo named Fiddle Whamdiddle and I was privileged to play with him in a great many of these sessions.  You can watch all of the ones we played together on our reverbnation page.

Here's one of my (many!) favorites: [youtube]

Why I am telling you all about this now?  Keep an eye on your inbox and you'll find out...



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