Benefits of a Repertoire List


I played a concert for a group of seniors on September 9th – right between Labor Day and 9/11, the annual day of remembrance for the terrorist attack. The concert date wasn’t selected for that reason … it was just the normal 2nd Monday meeting date. But the playlist was a no-brainer for me. I just had to brush up on my patriotic repertoire list.

A repertoire list is a list of pieces that you have mastered and could confidently perform at any given time. It should include a variety of styles and a range of tempos. And here are some of the benefits of having one.

  • Practice Efficiency: Knowing what I would like to perform if called upon stirs my motivation for practice. I have my eyes firmly set on the play list for “just in case.”
  • Performance Readiness: Having a repertoire list ensures that you are never caught off guard when asked to play for a group.
  • Creative Exploration: Reviewing my repertoire list inspires me to revisit old pieces, explore new ones, or even create new arrangements or compositions to explain my list.
  • Networking: A repertoire list comes in handy when working with other musicians. I can quickly identify pieces we could jam on together, taking turns with the lead.
  • Time Management: When asked to play for the September meeting, I didn’t have to spend hours considering and rejecting tunes. I already had my playlist ready, so I could just review.
  • Audience Engagement: When you’re comfortable with your playlist, it’s easier to focus on the audience and interact with them – making your overall performance more fun for them and relaxing for yourself.

Actually, I have several repertoire lists – old-time hymns, Christmas tunes, old fiddle tunes, and patriotic tunes. Overall, a well-maintained repertoire list is an invaluable tool for any musician, supporting their artistic growth, performance readiness, and professional development.

Happy dulcimering,



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